Tarte aux fruits rouges maison + thé au jasmin…
Red fruits homemade pie + jasmin tea…
Tasse Habitat, assiette à dessert marron Habitat, cuillère ?, sucrier Primavera (ancienne marque de déco du Printemps, n’existe plus hélas)
Cup Habitat, chocolate dessert plate Habitat, spoon ?, sugar pot Primavera (used to be a brand of Le Printemps, which doesn’t exist anymore, too bad)
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Beb, that pie looks so yummy and delicious. It made me get up and look for a dessert I can make this evening.
Bali is so close and cheap its always a fun cheap holiday. Great when it gets cold here, you escape there for Sun. Saving for Amsterdam,Paris and UK in September. But I want to see snow!!! I wanT hold it in my hands. 🙂
Your bike inspired my post! hahahah I Love it!
That’s so kind of you!!!
I didn’t know you’d liked my bike. I hope you’ll find your bike really soon 🙂
Bali : I can’t wait!
Everyone’s telling us it’s Paradise, cheap, nice people, beautiful landscapes, monkeys in the forest, sea, sun…..
ohh you will have a great time trust me!! It’s impossible not too. Take lots of lovely pictures to share!
I just checked out ebay. Great idea! Im watching one now! fingers crossed
C’est pas des doudous que tu devrais faire !!!
c’est ouvrir une pâtisserie
*chez Valentine*
ca a l’air vraiment super bon
Et la tarte? Je la veux moi 😀
Punaise on est pas midi et tu m’as donné faim avec ta tarte!
Elle a l’air succulente!