Shooting dans les locaux Muteen le weekend prochain! YAY!!!
Suite à la publication des photos sur je ne sais pas encore quel site, il faudra voter pour moi, hein??
I’ve been selected for the competition New Look/Muteen (a french magazine), among the 10 finalists!!
Shooting at Muteen next weekend! YAY!!!
Then the photos will be published on I don’t know yet which website, and you’ll have to vote for me, ok??
Ma journée de samedi dernier en photos…
My last Saturday in photos…
9.00 A.M – A nice English Breakfast teacup.
Blouse/gilet et robe H&M (anciennes collections)
9.30 A.M – Cuddle with Batman
10.00 A.M – My boyfriend cooks some delicious pancakes
1.00 P.M – Batman plays in the future curtains fabric
4.30 P.M – I take some photos I won’t post on my blog -not satisfied-.
Débardeur et jupe H&M, collants ?, babies Naf Naf
10.00 P.M – Cupcakes time at Karine’s house, for Violette’s birthday
Robe Manoush (ancienne collection), gilet H&M
10.30 P.M – Beautiful Violette opens up her presents
Comme je vais réapprovisionner mon Vide dressing de façon DRASTIQUE ce weekend, je n’ai pas eu trop mauvais conscience en ajoutant à mon cyber panier ces 2 sublimes paires de derbies…
As I’m going to resupply my Vide dressing in a drastic way this weekend, I didn’t had bad consciousness by adding in my cyber basket those 2 sublime pairs of oxfords…
My friend Violette bought the pair with the silvery end, but in black
Merci d’être toujours + nombreuses à me suivre et à me donner votre avis et à me faire sourire tous les jours!
Thank you for being always more numerous to follow me and to express your opinion and to make me smile every day!
Ma collègue Audrey m’a dédié un post adorable!!